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The Modern Gypsies are a trio of friends, who often embark on "compassionate adventures". They are more than just wanderers, they are inspiring individuals that explore the world around them while making a difference by raising awareness, generating funds and work to not only expose, but address the many challenges faced by the impoverished world.


On this adventure they rode motorcycles across Kenya to help bring clean burning stoves and medical supplies to rural villages. We also had the rare opportunity to live in the Mau forest with one of the oldest tribes in Kenya, the Ogiek peoples. The Ogiek are traditional hunter-gatherers, their way of life is based on the natural resources provided by the forest; their main activity is honey harvesting and are known as the forest Bee keepers. 


The 4 part web series, was made possible by UGG Australia’s Creative Council, who generously funded this trip and shared the series with their online community. 


Check out our website: for more info


The Gypsies: Eric Bach, John Post & Taylor Filasky

Producer: Anna Marie Pitman 

Cinematographer: Adam Feuerman





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